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Minting NFTs

Now that we have gone over how to create your NFT project it's time to showcase how your supporters can mint your NFTs! Using the link provided in your "Mint Settings" page your supporters can reach the minting page that should look like this:

Mint Page

In order to mint the NFTs a user must:

  • Connect their wallet by hovering over the "Connect Wallet" button and selecting the wallet they want to pay with.
  • Update the Quantity to how many NFTs they want to mint (max of 10 NFTs at once)
  • Click the "Mint NFT!" or "Mint NFTs!" button
  • Sign the mint transaction

Mint Page Wallet Mint Page Wallet Connected Mint Page Minting

After a support has done the above steps they will be greeted with a success screen and a random NFT from your project will be minted to their wallet!

Mint Page Success