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Tokens Page

The Tokens page has everything you need to manage your token project. On this page you can:

  • Add Tokens to your project.
  • Delete Tokens from your project.
  • Click on tokens to edit them.

Tokens Page

Add Your First Token

In these next few sections we will:

  • Add a Token to our project
  • Upload an image for our Token
  • Update all the data associated with the Token

First, we will add an Token to our project by clicking the "Add Tokens" Button

Add Token

Clicking on the edit button in this new Token will bring us to this screen where we can edit all of the data associated with the Token

Uploading An Image

NFTs can be text files, images, gifs, or even video. For our first NFT, we will upload this adorable blob image.

Right click the image above and select "Save image as..." to save the image to your computer. Now click on the "Select File(s)" button to upload the blob image to the Saturn site. Your Policy Id will look different from the image below but, here is what your site should look like after uploading.

Update Token Blob

Uploading Token Data

We have 7 pieces of data that we need to have on our NFT. These are:

  • Policy Id: This is string of 56 hexidecimals characters that group the NFTs in our NFT project together on the Cardano Blockchain.
  • Asset Name: This is the blockchain name for our asset. For NFTs to be "non-fungible" in the policy id grouping, this asset name must be unique.
  • Name: This is the visible name that will be shown to the user on various Cardano Dapps.
  • Ticker: The ticker is the trading ticker that will appear on various Cardano trading websites.
  • Description: A short description about the token that will appear on the Cardano blockchain.
  • Token Image: This is the image that will appear for your token on various Cardano trading website.
  • Properties: These are arbitrary properties and data you can use for your Token!

Let us update the asset name to "Blob1", update the name to "Blob #1" and add a "Color": "Blue" property to our NFT. Now after saving our NFT, the result will look like this:

Update Token Blob 1 Update Token Blob 2

Congratulations! We have set up our first Token in this project!

Managing Tokens

After hitting the purple back button on the page our token page will look like this:

Managing Project Tokens

If we don't want this token anymore, we can delete the token by clicking "Select Tokens", selecting our Tokens, and deleting the Tokens.

Congratulations, we have setup our Token in our Token Project! In the next section we will go over updating the Token Project Data.