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Wormhole Data

The Wormhole Data page allows you to update data related to the overall project:

  • Update the collection name.
  • Update the price per nft of your collection (in Ada or any Cardano Native Asset).
  • Updating the lock date / Policy Id for your collection.
  • Update the royalty data of your collection.

As you can see, this is identical to the NFT Project Data page.

Wormhole Data Page

Wormhole Data Page 2

The values can be altered and saved the save as a regular NFT Project. Lets make the following changes:

  • Set Collection Name to "New Blobs"
  • Set Price to 20 Ada
  • Set the Lock Date to 1 year in the future
  • Set a 5% royalty for our address.

Save these values and our Wormhole Data page should look like this:

Wormhole Data Page Edited 1

Wormhole Data Page Edited 2