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Multi Asset Payments

Now we will show you how supports can mint NFTs using any Cardano Native Asset as payment. As detailed in the nft project data page, we first need to set up our advanced pricing. In this case we will show an example using the Ape Society's $SOC token.

Price Setup

With our advanced pricing setup and saved, when supporters visit the mint page, it will now look like this:

Price choice 1

After a user selects to pay with Society and click the "Mint NFT!" button, the screen will look like this. This is a bit different then before. As you can see with the -1 Asset and +1 Asset in the wallet tab, 100 Society assets are leaving the wallet and 1 NFT is going into the wallet.

Price choice 2

Signing Transaction

Congratulations! We have now minting an NFT using a Cardano Native Asset as payment! All Cardano Native Assets are supported such as stable coins or game assets!